July 29, 2022

Rest in Peace Kettle of mine

When we were all in lock down here in the US, Amazon and I formed a very close friendship that consisted of me spending lots of money on things that I may and may not have really needed. I bought so much tea and coffee and other various things that I could make by using my red kettle. 
Long before the lockdown, I saw this beautiful red electric kettle and just had to have one of my own. Woke up to discover that my electric kettle is done working for me. It resigned and has decided that it can no longer live up to my expectations.  In all seriousness though I can't get it to turn on at all. It has served me well for around 7 years and now I need to find a replacement. lol 
I found this beautiful glass one on Amazon and just looove it so much!  Mind you I will miss my red one only because it was bigger and I love the color red. This one is great as well and it seems to fit on my shelf better than the red one. 
Miss Lizzie will be missed, but Miss Lilibet is much nicer and looks better. 

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