July 23, 2022

Really Lisa.. really??

Last night I got an eyelash in my eye so now my left eye is all bloodshot and red from me rubbing and trying to get it out. I have my eye drops that I've been putting my eye. I've noticed that the older I get the thinner my eyelashes are. 

I woke up this am feeling pretty good a slight runny nose, and some sneezing. Had a cup of tea and went outside to grab a Amazon parcel, I bought some Polo mints from England and they're better than Lifesavers, then sent for some groceries. 

Now I'm sitting at my desk with three boxes of tissues and I'm almost finished with one of them and realized that I forgot to buy allergy meds. That was my MAIN reason for doing Instacart today! This is what happens to me every bloody time when I don't make a list! LOL

BUT all in all it's a good day, the weather is beautiful and there's children laughing and squealing on the hill above my house along with the sounds of splashing water. 

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