October 30, 2022

Henry Cavill will always be Geralt and so will Liam Hemsworth.

The Henry Cavill fans are just upset..
ok in my opinion overreacting, because he's leaving The Witcher.
Now they are saying that they won't watch it because he's leaving..
 they are posting that bs on his Facebook..
good way to try to guilt trip him.

Look... I'm upset that he's leaving as well,
but I'm still going to watch it because I love the show.
I guess it helps that I enjoy Liam Hemsworth's acting. lol
Henry will always be Geralt in my eyes.
To me Liam will just be an alternate universe Geralt. lol

I just don't understand what the drama is about...
actors do leave shows, it's not uncommon for them to do that.
He has his reasons and I don't think he owes any explanations.
I'm sure he'll be busy with Superman.
Superman and The Witcher are two big shows and it would be rough
to do both at once timing wise.


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