November 09, 2022

Oh dear...

 I bought this book used from a thrift store on Amazon and I didn't expect it to be in absolutely perfect shape, but the book that I received was filthy. 

The cover was dirty and when it was sent they didn't bother to wipe the cover down so that it looked presentable. I took a damp brag and wiped the cover off and as you can see from the photo it looks better than it did when I received it.

Now on to the positive. The edition that I have was published by Pan Books Ltd. in 1982. It covers topics such as birth and ceremonies of childhood, engagements, weddings, divorces,death, table manners, parties, invitations, letters, and talking to visitors and house guests. Royal, diplomatic and formal occasions, public occasions and events, business manners, courtship, household staff, Sports and games and how to dress. 

Also next to each paragraph there are little boxes so I am unsure as to what those boxes are for. I suppose you could check off the manners that you have mastered and incorporated into your everyday life. 

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