January 29, 2023

The Yacht Girl Chronicles?

I was surfing through Quora and came across a post about Meghan Markle being a yacht girl 'aka' a low level actress or model who were paid to lounge around on millionaire's yachts with the rich and famous and that Prince Andrew is one of those rich guys that she "serviced" with her bits and bobs. 

There are some images of her floating around on the web from her yacht girl days and in one of them showed Meghan and what looks to be like Prince Andrew. The images were supposedly taken on Epstein's yacht. I'm not going to post them because I have no proof that they're legit. 

I mean it's true that Andrew was an acquaintance of Epstein. They're saying that she's using that as leverage to get into the family and as black mail. 

Sound far fetched? Yup! 
Could it be true? Yup! 
Is there actual evidence? NOPE!

I would think that Queen Elizabeth II would have not allowed the marriage to take place if there was blackmail involved. Surely the family could have overcome this scandal, they tend to just wait them out and they soon vanish. 

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