February 20, 2023

I talk to myself

I'm constantly telling people to just ignore me when they walk up on me and I'm talking to myself. 

I tend to talk to myself everyday mostly because I do it to help myself figure stuff out or to work through a problem or something like that. 

Most of the time I'm saying things like "WTF", "I need more water", "bloody hell", "ugh",

I think talking to yourself is pretty healthy, did you know that 96% of people have an inner dialogue with themselves. 

I tend to think in words and that is inner dialogue. So I guess I have a lot of inner dialogue with myself. 

“Talking out loud to yourself can motivate you to move forward with your goals, help you focus on a task at hand, and combat self-criticism." 
~ Gary Lupyan from University of Wisconsin-Madison calls this phenomenon “feedback hypothesis.”  quoting Google

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