February 26, 2023

Urgent Care visit

For the past 4 days I've been sick. It felt like I was run over by a bus and then that bus decided to back up and run over me again a few times. I had called out twice and I always feel bad when I call out because I know I'm needed at work and as of late it's been hard to find people to cover for me.

I went to Urgent Care because I was scheduled to work tomorrow and I wanted to make sure that I didn't have covid. Because I was experiencing some of the covid symptoms over the past 4 days. 

The woman who checked me out took my temp took my blood pressure and everything else and said that I had no covid, but I have an upper respiratory infection asthma is acting up so I'm going on antibiotics, steroids and an albuterol inhaler. Thank goodness! I start the meds tomorrow so the doc wants me off tomorrow so that I can get the meds in me.

I should have gone and dealt with my asthma earlier,  but the store bought inhaler did work for my mild attacks, but the stronger ones took a while to get under control. I'm going to be spending March getting my health under control. I'll be looking for a doctor to go to to get my thyroid checked out and also get my depression and anxiety looked into. 

I am worried about going on medication because right now my body is medication free I've only been taking herbal supplements so having medication in my body. I'm worried that it's going to make me feel weird and affect me in a negative way. I don't want to be a walking zombie on medication.

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