February 08, 2023

What I learned this week...

It was a seriously annoying day. At work I am one that some folks go to for venting their anger and frustrations out. 
Not once do I ever relay their vents to a manager or supervisor because I know that they need to get that frustration and negative thoughts off their chest and out of their heart.
I listen intently and give whatever advice I feel is needed with no judgement. I simply listen and let them pour their hearts out.

I made the huge mistake of venting to the wrong person, to someone who I thought of as my friend. She in turn went and spilled my frustrations to the manager I was venting about. That manager didn't need to know what I said, it was simply a way for me to get that frustration off my heart and out of my head. Everyone needs to vent.. Right?

I am heartbroken. This person is someone whom I considered to be a good friend. That friendship is forever broken and for the life of me I will never be able to forgive her broken trust. I know she did it for her own gain to make herself seem better in the eyes of the managers, but after everything I've done for her emotionally and financially.. I'm just shattered. 
Her phone# is out of my phone and I'm no longer going the extra mile for her at work like I used to. 

So what have I learned this week? I learned that there are snakes in the grass at my work. They will be your friend to your face, but have no problem stabbing you in the back when it's to their own gain.

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