February 05, 2023

The Grammys Goes to Hell?

So many people are freaking out over the Grammy's performance by Sam Smith and his singing partner Kim Petras of his song "Unholy'. I haven't seen it at all so I'm literally going by what I hear other's say.

I've heard the performance being described as a Satanic orgy a few times and other's just say he's portraying Satan by wearing horns, etc.. and he's dancing around in "Hell" with women portraying long haired demons.

There are folks who will see the negative in everything. This was simply a performance.. a bit of oomph. I've seen music video's that are by far worse than what other's are describing here.

I have heard conspiracy theories that Hollyweird is a cesspool of satanic celebrity elites who sacrifice children to retain their youth, etc.. and all of these performances are elite satanic rituals.

Oh what webs we weave...

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