September 16, 2018

A letter to the douche bag..

To whom it may concern... YOU are a douche bag... why? Because you woke me up this morning! YOU stood outside at 6:30 am screaming and yelling because you wanted to go home... every other word was the f-bomb... is that really necessary?? It's not a great way to start the day... just sayin!
I turn my bloody light on to get ready for work and the next thing I hear is "If you call the police I'll hunt you down and kill you!" The light went off and I got dressed in a semi lit room. 
Let me fill you in on something... some of us have to work on Sunday's. While you are one of the lucky one's who doesn't, I am one of the unlucky one's who does. YOU have no respect for other's and the next time you pull this crap I will call the police and send out my flying monkeys!!
Alas I did find you to be amusing. Screaming and yelling because you want to go home... did you loose your ruby slippers or something? Also I think most gun stores are closed at that time so that's why you couldn't buy a gun. I honestly don't think you should own one... you seem to be a bit unstable in the head if you know what I mean.

I do have some advice for you.. instead of going out drinking or doing drugs.. you were definitely either drunk or high.. my advice is to... wait for it.. STAY HOME and do it all there!
Easy Peasy right??

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