October 28, 2018

Halloween Facts

Did you know that Halloween began in Ireland as a Celtic festival of Samhain? Well guess what? It's true! The Celts believe that the boundary between the worlds of living and the dead is at it's thinnest on this night before the new year and ghosts of the dead return to earth to visit their loved ones. 

A Samhain tradition is to take a turnip and carve a scary face in it like we do pumpkins. By carving scary faces and putting a candle into the turnip or pumpkin, it's believed that the nasty spirits that lurk in the night are scared away from the home and those who live within.

In the US the concept of trick or treating started in the 20's and 30's. It's estimated that Americans will spend at least $2.5 billion on Halloween candy, pretty much around $20.10 per household. Then another $43 on decorations and $67 on costumes. This has increased 4.2 percent from last year. 

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