February 02, 2022

Who is Nicholas Fairford?


Maybe I'm weird, but when I find a YouTuber that I am interested in then I will look them up online to learn more about them. There is a British YouTuber, Nicholas Fairford, that I started following in January. His videos are great, but there has always been something off about him. It's like he's playing let's pretend that I'm posh and I really dislike it when someone pretends to be someone they aren't.
So, from what I found, his name is actually Nicholas Burden. He has stated numerous time's that he comes from a family that is not aristocratic and well... he comes from a working-class family. I did find during my research on him that he is a model or a former model so perhaps this is a model name? If so, he should drop the act and be himself on YouTube.

Now his videos are lovely and very informative, but they all seem to revolve around the same thing. Tea parties. He also does advertisements for companies who sponsor him. I sincerely do hope that he is being honest with them as well as his business partner Vanessa. I would love to see the real Nicholas Burden and hear His story, not the embellished story of Nicholas Fairford. You can only fake it until you make it for so long, then it could crash down around you. 

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