May 01, 2022

Cha cha changes are in the airrrr!

I have officially gone from part time to full time at work and I'm over the moon about it. I'll be doing asset protection and will be working with a great group of guys and gals. When I'm not on the door I'll be walking around the store or doing other things. My training will be either sometime this week or next week.

I will also be the one who is training new asset protection people and ensuring that they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. The guys we have now are normally on their phones except for one who takes his job very seriously. He's done security for years and is kind of a pro at it. I look forward to learning things from him, though he is a really big gossiper.

I'm looking forward to the changes that's coming my way. I do need to learn to be a leader so to speak as I'm expected to be a role model for those who do the same work I do. We are supposed to greet people as they come in and when they leave and we are expected to stand and not be on cell phones texting or watching video's. 

There are some at work who have very little faith in me doing the job and they had a good laugh at my expense today when they found out what some of my job requirements were. I will admit that it bothered me a great deal because I have always considered these two laughers to be my friends. Oh well it is what it is. They aren't paying my bills, I am. I have been looking for the opportunity to better myself and I feel that this is it. 

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